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Вакансия опубликована более 60 дней назад, и может быть неактуальна
Finance Controller
Компания:Bimbo QSR Ukraine
Контактное лицо:
Bimbo QSR UkraineТелефон:(056) 733-40-57
Описание вакансии
East Balt Ukraine is an industry leader in high-speed baking, seeking an individual with four to five years of financial auditing, accounting, financial controller or other finance-related professional experience.
- Professionally qualified accountant;
- Strong understanding of manufacturing/cost accounting gained through previous working experience in a manufacturing enterprise;
- Aptitude to work in matrix organization;
- Good communication skills — ability to manage/lead the Finance Team across borders, both in person & remotely;
- Previous experience in preparation of financial statements for a multi-national company. U.S. GAAP / IFRS experience is a requirement;
- Leadership managerial experience is required with a proven track record for people development;
- Strong work ethic;
- Able to work autonomously in an international environment;
- Fluent in English;
- Experience in SAP environment
- Coordination of preparation of annual budget and quarterly forecasts. Assist local accounting staff in supporting analysis of performance against the budget.
- Development of pricing strategy related to annual volume, cost and profitability assumptions of the budget. Development of proposals to adjust pricing during the year relative to performance against the budget.
- Develop price proposals for new products and/or new customers, taking into account specific of productions and operating conditions required for the product or the customer.
- Coordinate monthly and quarterly reporting. Monthly reporting requirements include preparation of a US GAAP financial statement package and explanatory commentary on variances from the annual budget and prior year. Provide necessary training and support to local accounting staff on US GAAP in order that the reporting package.
- Conduct monthly balance sheet variance analysis and identify opportunities for improvements in working capital (A/R, A/P & inventory).
- Prepare and maintain timely and accurate bank and general ledger account reconciliations.
- Coordinate monthly reporting of all KPI’s including Operational Scorecard including explanatory commentary on variances. Provide financial support for any required action items to improve operational efficiency.
- Coordinate annual audit. Provide necessary support to local accounting staffs, external auditors and Corporate staff in order to meet all requirements of the local statutory audit, tax compliance and preparation and the US GAAP consolidated audit of Company, including the reporting package to support preparation of U.S. GAAP foot notes.
- Institute and maintain ongoing training and improvement programs for the local accounting team in order to further develop operational and analytical skills necessary to support and understand the performance of the bakery operation.
- Coordinate tax compliance strategies with Corporate V.P. of Global Tax and tax advisors. Assist in preparation and review of any tax audits.
- Review and ensure the ongoing maintenance of internal control systems. Review compliance and institute corrective actions as required with respect to Corporate policies.
- Support ongoing use/adjustments of SAP software.
We offer:
- Competitive salary and good compensation package;
- Strong and enthusiastic team;
- Interesting and challenging tasks;
- Convenient working conditions;
- Healthcare;
- Exceptional opportunities for professional growth.
We are waiting for your CV with salary expectations.
Опубликовано: 17.04.2020
Вакансии по странам
- Австрия56
- Англия140
- Беларусь64
- Бельгия201
- Болгария76
- Венгрия217
- Германия1575
- Голландия239
- Греция18
- Дания54
- Израиль268
- Ирландия10
- Испания58
- Италия67
- Канада45
- Катар40
- Кипр33
- Китай20
- Латвия130
- Литва752
- Норвегия60
- ОАЭ69
- Польша2948
- Португалия21
- Румыния55
- Словакия327
- США225
- Турция64
- Украина1098
- Финляндия126
- Франция87
- Хорватия60
- Чехия929
- Швейцария48
- Швеция116
- Эстония449
- Юж. Корея12
- Другие338
Вакансии по специальностям
- Администрация, руководство среднего звена208
- Бухгалтерия, аудит14
- Водитель961
- Горничная164
- Гостинично-ресторанный бизнес, туризм244
- Гувернантка36
- Дизайнер, творчество33
- Домработница90
- Журналистика7
- Инженер, технолог100
- ИТ-сфера183
- Красота, фитнес, спорт102
- Культура, музыка, шоу-бизнес48
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR108
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика135
- Механик, слесарь214
- Монтажник, оператор360
- Моряки, Крюинг9
- Недвижимость32
- Няня, воспитатель85
- Официант, бармен125
- Охрана, безопасность22
- Переводчик27
- Повар155
- Преподаватель, учитель, образование34
- Программист, разработчик78
- Продажи, логистика326
- Производство1747
- Работа для студентов233
- Работа на круизном лайнере61
- Рабочий2644
- Рыбное хозяйство21
- Садовник27
- Сантехник92
- Сварщик408
- Сезонная работа118
- Секретариат, помощники, офис42
- Сельское хозяйство178
- Семейная пара238
- Сиделка, компаньонка104
- Страхование2
- Строительство1472
- Сфера услуг167
- Топ-менеджмент, руководство высшего звена24
- Удаленная работа190
- Финансы, банк9
- Швея83
- Электрик229
- Юриспруденция4
- Другие970
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