Terms and Conditions

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the legal relationship between the site https://amountwork.com/ (hereinafter referred to as the Site) represented by its owner (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) and a capable individual who has acceded to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the User) in personal interest or acting on behalf and in the interests of the legal entity he represents.

General provisions

The Agreement is considered concluded without any reservations or exceptions at the time of any interaction of the User with the Site, as long as the User confirms his consent with all the terms of the Agreement. If the User does not accept the Agreement in whole or in part, the Administration asks him to leave the Site.

The registered User additionally accepts the Agreement during registration, which is mentioned in the corresponding text under the Registration link.

Legal relations between the User and the Administration under this Agreement are governed by the legislation of Germany.

Site Services

The Site provides services for viewing and posting information added by Users in order to search for employees and job searches, as well as comments on the information available on the Site.

All transactions are concluded between Users directly. The Administration is not a participant in the transactions of Users, but only provides an Internet platform for posting information.

The Administration does not verify the accuracy of the information specified by the Users, and is not responsible to any third parties for the accuracy and reliability of such information.

Posting information on the Site

The Administration has the right to publish all the User's registration data (hereinafter referred to as the Account), in whole or in part on the Site and partner sites in any sections. The User agrees that the Administration has the right to collect, process and store the User Account on the Site in order to fulfill this Agreement.

The registered User is personally responsible for the security of his login-password pair specified by him during registration or subsequent changes, and is also fully responsible for all actions that will be performed by the User or any other person in the process of using his login-password pair. The user is obliged to immediately change his password if he suspects that his login-password pair has become disclosed or can be used by third parties.

Company registration data are published on the Site at the time of completion of registration, and can be verified sometime after the registration. If the content of the Account violates the registration rules (including in case the required data is not specified or the information does not comply with the rules of the site) or contains information that contradicts the current legislation requirements, then such an Account is deleted by the Administration.

The User undertakes not to create several Accounts on the Site from actually the same legal or natural person, including using different company names, personal names, addresses and other data.

The Registered User has the right and opportunity to independently delete his Account and his ads.

To prevent fraud of hiding the employer’s location and other data, when posting a position the site stores and reveals the user's IP address data.

By posting his information on the Site, the User agrees to the following rules:

  • it is forbidden to publish identical or almost identical announcements;
  • it is forbidden to publish announcements in a section that does not correspond to the topic of the announcement;
  • there should not be more than one job position in one advertisement;
  • it is forbidden to publish contact information and site addresses in the heading of ads;
  • when publishing an announcement about a service that is subject to licensing, the User is obliged to indicate the license number and by whom it was issued;
  • it is forbidden to publish ads with the title or description logically unrelated and unreadable;
  • it is forbidden to publish insults and obscene expressions;
  • it is forbidden to publish information that may relate to the collection and storage of personal data about other users;
  • it is forbidden to publish ads about making money on the Internet, about conducting mass electronic mailings, about network marketing, about work requiring material investments, about erotic and occult services;
  • it is forbidden to publish announcements about goods and services prohibited for publication by the current legislation of Germany.

The User agrees and assumes full responsibility for the compliance of the information he posts with the requirements of the current legislation, including the User's consent to be fully responsible for the following:

  • non-observance of copyrights of third parties, incl. when using photographs of third parties;
  • unauthorized use of company names;
  • unauthorized use of third party logos;
  • unauthorized use of characters, incl. third party trademarks.

In the event of claims from third parties related to the information posted by the User on the Site, the User undertakes to independently and at his own expense settle such claims.

Announcements are published on the Site at the time of posting, and are checked sometime after posting, if the content of the announcement violates the rules for posting announcements, then it is deleted by the Administration. For repeated violations of the rules for posting ads or for multiple violations of the rules on the same day, as well as for deliberately false information in an ad posted by the User, the User Account may be deleted by the Administration.

It is allowed to create 1 account, and 1 to 5 positions for free, for one company or individual.

The administration has the right to do the following:

  • edit or delete the User's publications on the Site if they violate the terms of this Agreement, harm the Administration or third parties, as well as at their own discretion without specifying a reason;
  • block the user's account at the request of law enforcement agencies, as well as at their own discretion, with or without indicating the reason;
  • post the User's publicly available publications on partner sites.

The Administration has the right, at the first request of the relevant authorized (law enforcement) body, but in accordance with applicable law, to provide such a government body with the available information about the User, not excluding personal data.

Payment for services

General provisions:

  • Payment is made in any currency, from a card of any bank in the world, payment will be converted into dollars;
  • The price will be calculated and displayed after selecting the service in the User's member ledger.
  • Charging is rated by validity period - 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days.
  • By using the Site's paid service, the User confirms that he agrees with the terms, cost and validity period of the paid service he has chosen.

Funds are returned to the User's account in his member ledger for paid services not rendered in the following cases:

  • in case of non-provision of services by the Administration due to technical reasons;
  • when deleting duplicate accounts, a refund is made upon the User's request. The decision on the refund is made by the Administration;

The User is not refunded for paid services not rendered in the following cases:

  • when posting ads about something prohibited by the legislation of Germany, and those that violate this agreement;
  • when the account is blocked;
  • in case of systematic (two or more times) violations of the terms of this Agreement, the Administration has the right not to return the funds.


Administration is not responsible for the following:

  • for failures in the Site functioning caused by interruptions in the operation of equipment and software, for failures that occur in telecommunications or energy networks, for failures caused by the actions of malicious programs or third parties;
  • for the content, reliability and legality of the information published by the User on the Site.
  • for lost profits or harm/damage caused to the User, for any other losses that may arise when using the Site and the information posted on it.

The Administration does not participate in transactions between Users, therefore, does not bear any responsibility for these transactions.

All disputes between Users are resolved by them independently without the involvement of the Administration. The User agrees to resolve all disputes with another User on his own and make claims to another User directly without involving the Administration in such disputes.

The User has the right to inform the Administration about violations of his rights by another User. If there are sufficient justifications for the User's complaint and sufficient knowledge of the subject of the complaint by the Administration, the Administration will remove from the Site part of the ads or all the ads the User complains about.

Personal data processing

By registering on the Site, the User agrees that the personal data specified by him is publicly available, and the User agrees to the processing of his personal data by the Administration. The User also gives his consent to the transfer of his personal data to third parties, including the transfer of personal data abroad.

For User convenience, this site uses browser cookies.

The Site stores the user's IP address, which is provided by the browser, and is subsequently published along with the position posted.

Personal data processing includes any actions or a set of actions related to the collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use, distribution, transfer, deletion of the User's personal data in order to ensure the operation of the Site's services.

The administration does not require, process or store information, as well as copies, scans, etc. of documents confirming the User or company identity, or other documents.

The User's personal data processing by the Administration is carried out in order to ensure the Site functioning and provide the User with personalized services of the Site. The Administration is not responsible for the use of the User's personal data by other persons.

Final provisions

The Agreement or any part of it can be changed by the Administration without any special notice to the User. The new version of the Agreement comes into effect from the moment it is posted on the Site. The current version of the Agreement is always available at https://amountwork.com/agreement.

Messages for the Administration are sent to this E-mail: [email protected]

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