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Местоположение:Дания, Copenhagen
Зарплата:9 euro/hour minimal 1500euro/month
На Amountwork с:Марта 2020
Контактное лицо:
Alberto Polito

Описание вакансии

Candidacy will be considered after filling out the questionnaire:https://cutt.ly/1tngeY1

Employment Contract, full social package. Employment is only official.

We are a direct employer.


EU documents

 Age 20-40

1. driving experience (at least 2 years of active driving experience);

2. conversational level of English (ability to understand the interlocutor and support the topic of conversation);

3. good physical сondition

Working conditions:

1. about 150-160 working hours per month. Hours are charged at 9 euros / hour first 3 months, after11(13) euros/hour. There is a possibility of additional earnings.

2. Driving a minibus (driver's license category B).


1. provides a paid room in the house (two to three people in a room, several bedrooms in the apartments, a full set of household appliances, necessary utensils, bedding);

2. pays taxes;

3. salary twice a month on the card. The level of salary depends on the workload, the average salary of our employees is started from 1,500 euros per month 

Tickets to Copenhagen and medical examination at your own expense.


The manager distributes tasks depending on orders for the day

+ Food delivery from the base (electronic store) to private clients and companies in Copenhagen and around the city;

+ Assistance to private clients when moving (loading furniture and things, delivery to a new address).

Опубликовано: 27.03.2020
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