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Model, Brand Ambassador

Salary:13000 грн. From 6000 to 13000
On Amountwork from:April 2019

Job description

This job is for female models only.

  1. Your age is 14−21yo (if you are older than 21 please do not apply)
  2. Your height 159−169cm (if you are taller than 169cm please do not apply)
  3. English level: good enough to talk on camera

For my blog teenlionaire.com, we’re looking for 3 models that can travel for 1 month (from 1st June to 30th June) to Budapest, Hungary working as brand ambassadors for my merchandising line.

Your responsibility will be:

  • wearing our clothes (t-shirts) at photoshoots, videoshoots as well as in selfies
  • representing our brand in video interviews and fun games which will be streamed live on TwitchTV

You will work pretty much every day.

You will be given accommodation, your flight will be paid and you will be paid between 6,000 and 13,000 UAH for 1 month depending on how many shootings you appear on. The selection will be done week by week. For those who are good enough, we can even offer a second month.

If you have a modeling agency, BETTER. In that case, please give us the name of your agency.

If you are under 18, your parents will have to sign the contract for you.

I am in Kiev in the next 4 days (leaving on the 30th April). All interested girls living in Kiev should contact me ASAP to meet IN PERSON for a job interview before the 30th April. So I can see your personality and how you really look in real life.

If you live in a different city and cannot come to Kiev for an interview we can do a Skype video call. But the models I see in person will have an advantage.

If you contact me after the 30th of April you will have little chance to be selected.

You should be professional and sign a contract with my company.

If you will break the contract rules, you will not be paid and you will be sent home at your own expenses.

This is business and not a joke. We only want serious professional people.

If you are interested, we can schedule an interview today (saturday), tomorrow (sunday) or monday 29th april.

Thank youFabio

Posted: 28.04.2019
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