Representative Manager / Business Manager

Описание вакансии
Red Rocket Software is an international IT software engineering company. Our main specialization is the full-cycle development of IT products, from their prototyping to support and maintenance.
We operate in such IT fields as UI/UX design, Mobile development, Web development, DevOps and maintenance, Business Consulting, Marketing and SMM. Every team member is a star in their subject area.
Red Rocket’s focus includes (but is not limited to) such business domains as FinTech and Banking, E-Commerce, Healthcare, IoT.
Our team is constantly growing, and we are always ready to welcome new experts aboard! Our goal is to create a comfortable workspace where everyone can express their talents.
About our partnership opportunities: We offer you the opportunity to become our Representative Manager / Business Manager and earn a commission on each case. Your role will be to familiarise yourself with our services and cases and then share this information with potential clients. You will be free to choose your clients and your approach to providing our future clients with solutions that will benefit their business.
Representative objectives:
- To gain an in-depth understanding of what our company does and what services we can provide.
- To identify and negotiate with clients who could benefit from our solutions.
- Present our services based on the client's interests and build long term relationships.
- Guide the client to close the deal
Why it is favourable for you:
- There is an opportunity to work in a schedule convenient for you and with the approach to clients that you find most effective. You plan your own time and work strategy. You can work anywhere in the world
- We will provide all the necessary materials - presentations, cases and other information to effectively present our services to clients. In addition, you can always consult our specialists if the client needs more in-depth technical details.
- For each referred client with whom a successful deal is concluded, you will receive 20% of the deal amount. As we work with small and medium-sized businesses, the average cheque for a project costs from 10000 euros, which will mean 2000 euros of remuneration for you.
- Thanks to our ability to run up to 10 projects in parallel, the volume of deals per month depends entirely on your pace of work and the number of clients interested in IT solutions. The more you attract new clients, the higher your earnings!
It's a great way to not only collaborate, but to earn from quality referrals and sales expertise. If you love helping businesses grow and know how to find interested
clients, we want to hear from you.
You can contact us in a way that is convenient for you:
- Email: [email protected]
- Telegram: @redrocket_software
- WhatsApp:
- Австрия57
- Англия141
- Беларусь65
- Бельгия201
- Болгария76
- Венгрия217
- Германия1576
- Голландия240
- Греция18
- Дания54
- Израиль268
- Ирландия10
- Испания58
- Италия68
- Канада45
- Катар40
- Кипр34
- Китай20
- Латвия130
- Литва756
- Норвегия60
- ОАЭ68
- Польша2950
- Португалия21
- Румыния55
- Словакия327
- США226
- Турция64
- Украина1098
- Финляндия125
- Франция86
- Хорватия60
- Чехия931
- Швейцария48
- Швеция115
- Эстония449
- Юж. Корея12
- Другие337
- Администрация, руководство среднего звена208
- Бухгалтерия, аудит14
- Водитель965
- Горничная166
- Гостинично-ресторанный бизнес, туризм244
- Гувернантка34
- Дизайнер, творчество34
- Домработница90
- Журналистика7
- Инженер, технолог101
- ИТ-сфера183
- Красота, фитнес, спорт102
- Культура, музыка, шоу-бизнес48
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR108
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика135
- Механик, слесарь212
- Монтажник, оператор362
- Моряки, Крюинг9
- Недвижимость32
- Няня, воспитатель86
- Официант, бармен122
- Охрана, безопасность23
- Переводчик27
- Повар154
- Преподаватель, учитель, образование34
- Программист, разработчик78
- Продажи, логистика327
- Производство1751
- Работа для студентов233
- Работа на круизном лайнере60
- Рабочий2643
- Рыбное хозяйство22
- Садовник26
- Сантехник93
- Сварщик409
- Сезонная работа120
- Секретариат, помощники, офис42
- Сельское хозяйство178
- Семейная пара239
- Сиделка, компаньонка105
- Страхование2
- Строительство1474
- Сфера услуг167
- Топ-менеджмент, руководство высшего звена23
- Удаленная работа190
- Финансы, банк9
- Швея83
- Электрик231
- Юриспруденция4
- Другие972