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Job posted more than 60 days ago and may be irrelevant.
Авиаинженер, авиатехник по ТО с-тов Ан-124-100
Salary:60000 грн. От 3500 евро
On Amountwork from:April 2019
Type:Агентство (Ukraine)
AmtesJob description
Вимоги:The employee has high school diploma
Work includes maintenance of An-124−100 and its components
Completed an approved apprenticeship in aircraft maintenance
from a recognized organization
5 years of practical maintenance experience of operating aircraft
Valid Aircraft Maintenance Engineer`s Licence issued by aviation
Умови роботи: Legal job, permanent work in Germany (Leipzig) on aircraft maintenance of An-124−100.
Recruitment in accordance with the German employment law.
Posted: 24.04.2019
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