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Production of engine protection - men up to 55 years old

Salary:5600 zł
On Amountwork from:October 2023
Лика Завялова

Job description

Teresin Osłony eng

Production of engine protection

The factory for the production of additional automotive equipment is located in Poland, Teresin (powiat Sochaczewski). The plant is engaged in the production of protection of engine compartments, gearboxes, mechanical gearboxes, protection of gas tanks, radiators, differentials.

✅️ Location:

-Teresin (powiat sochaczewski), 40 km from Warsaw

  • Men up to 55 years old, physically fit

(India, Nepal, Afryka, Indonesia, Philippines and other)

✅️ Salary:

-Average salary per month: 5,200 - 5,950 zł (from Euro 1160-1340);

-The rate is PLN 20.00 hour (netto);

-Payments are made by the 20th of each month, there are no salary delays. Аdvances are issued after 10 working days.

✅️ Responsibilities:

  • production
  • package
  • packaging
  • collection
  • picking

✅️ Work schedule:

-5/6 days a week for 10-11 hours a day;

-from 6 am to 4-5 pm, depending on the workload.

-Work clothes are provided free of charge.

✅️ Accommodation:

-Comfortable housing is provided and paid for by your employer;

-Convenient location close to work

Viber/Telegram/WhatsApp +48 573 081 442

Posted: 29.12.2023
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