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IT Consultant (MES)

Salary:Job description
On Amountwork from:April 2019
Hofmann Wizard s.r.o.

Job description

For Czech affiliate in Nosovice we are looking for an IT professional as IT Consultant (MES):

Job description

  • MES systems support and administration
  • MES processes support, monitoring and troubleshooting
  • Existing applications administration and support
  • Management of assigned MES projects, generating ideas for system improvement
  • Support for DB performance monitoring and maintain its availability and efficiency
  • MES software development, source code management
  • MES hardware installation support
  • Cooperation with other departments to support production


  • University degree (technical related specialization)
  • Knowledge of application development (C# is an advantage)
  • Knowledge of database systems and SQL (Oracle knowledge is big advantage)
  • Communicative knowledge ofEnglish language
  • Knowledge of Czech is not required
  • Personality premises: excellent problem solving skills, reliability, team cooperation, good interpersonal skills, friendly attitude, ability to work under stress

We offer

  • Work in an international team and versatile environment with the latest technology
  • Visa support (long-term)
  • Varied tasks with exciting and challenging IT projects
  • A pleasant and friendly working atmosphere
  • Attractive salary and excellent compensation and benefits package including lunch and advantaged transportation.

Interesting for you? Send us your resume in English!

We will contact you and discuss the details.

Posted: 24.04.2019
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