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Marketer Egypt

Местоположение:Другие, Hurghada
Зарплата:from 600$
Компания:Visma Studio
На Amountwork с:Июня 2023
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Visma Studio

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Temporarily hiring a marketing specialist - a person from your marketing department with the goal of training, retraining, and transition to the most modern promotional tools.

Visma Agency - an international internet sales and business promotion agency. We are welcome your staff to join our team so that they can learn, gain experience, and return to your business with maximum expertise and professionalism in the field of marketing. This will guarantee a three to fivefold increase in your sales.

The agency's goal is to attract customers to your business, increase product or service sales, reduce costs for alternative promotion methods, or train existing specialists.

We work with various partners worldwide and have a good understanding of different countries' mentalities, sales psychology, and the relevance of specific promotional tools. As we constantly expand our staff and promotional instruments, we are in need of marketing and promotion specialists.

Опубликовано: 14.08.2023
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