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Sales Manager Egypt

Местоположение:Другие, Hurghada
Зарплата:from 600$
Компания:Visma Agency
На Amountwork с:Мая 2023
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Visma Agency

Описание вакансии

Marketing agency is looking for a Sales Manager!

If you are good at communication and negotiation, then this job is for you.

Visma Agency is an international sales company that specializes in bringing a ready-made customer base for any business.

We differ from our competitors in that we immediately give ready-made customers who are ready to buy a product or service from our customer.

We are ready to hire a person for remote and office work.

The main condition of work is to bring a potential customer for the studio, who is ready to buy our services.

The privilege of our work is that you fully influence your income and receive % from the client you brought (only in the case when he concluded an agreement with us, and we started working with him).

Visma Agency:http://agency.visma.biz/

If you are interested in the vacancy, and you want to be financially independent, then write to us.

Опубликовано: 14.08.2023
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