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Beauty salon director

Местоположение:Турция, Анталія
На Amountwork с:Мая 2023
Контактное лицо:
Alina Krasnaya

Описание вакансии

«Beauty salon director» vacancy.

PIED-DE-POULE is an international beauty salon chain with a high quality service for affordable money.

The end result of your work will be:

- Growth of key indicators (revenue/profit)

-Satisfaction of employees

-Customer satisfaction


-Organise efficient and smooth operation of the salon.

-Hiring and adaptation of employees.

-Employee satisfaction.

-Ensuring a comfortable stay of clients in the salon.

-Control of salon operations: opening/closing, comfort, cleanliness and order.

-Control of availability of consumables. Ordering and payment.

-Control of functioning of equipment: air-conditioning, water cooler, music centres, surveillance cameras, printer, etc.

-Control of customers payment, cash handling, reporting

-Reporting to CRM

-Interaction with management (branch development plans, setting tasks, work reports)

-Interaction and supervision of staff

-Calculation and issuance of staff salaries.


-Force Majors


-Knowledge of 3 languages (Turkish/ English / Ukrainian)

-Two or more years of people management experience with a team of at least 20 people

-Niche experience

-Experience in developing business process performance metrics

-Experience in analysis and business planning

-Experience in developing and implementing regulations, KPI, motivation systems

-Integration of interaction between departments

-Mentoring and training of subordinates

-Financial literacy / work with the calendar of spending / planning

-Generation and testing of new ideas

-Self-analysis, self-learning, self-development


-Stress tolerance




-Teamwork skills

-Management skills (problem setting, monitoring, feedback)

-Law knowledge


-Wage to be discussed at the interview

-salary rate + % of performance

-annual bonuses for fulfilment of plans

Schedule of work:

5 / 2 (to be discussed during the interview)

from 9.00 to 19.00

When you send your resume, or will call us, begin your greeting with the words: "time to

clean your feathers.


-conducting corporate events

-is a system of bonuses for active participation in the development of the brand

-transparent scheme for charging wages

-opportunity to learn

-pleasant prices on products and services of the salon for themselves and their families

-fair treatment

-long term cooperation

Опубликовано: 13.06.2023
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