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Driver courier

Местоположение:Дания, Copenhagen
Зарплата:from 9 -15 euros
На Amountwork с:Марта 2020
Контактное лицо:
Alberto Polito

Описание вакансии

[email protected]  Candidacy will be considered after filling out the link https://cutt.ly/1tngeY1

Employment Contract. Employment is only official. Agency

Contract for a long term.



EU citizens

 Age 20-40

1. driving experience (at least 2 years of active driving experience);

2. conversational level of English (ability to understand the interlocutor and support the topic of conversation);

3. good physical form

Working conditions:

1. about 170-200 working hours per month. Guarantee 160 hour /month. Payment hourly.

 Salary start from 9 till 15 euros/hour.(after taxes).

First month -70dkk/hour(after taxes)

Second month -80dkk/hour(after taxes)

Third month -90dkk/hour(after taxes)

Fourth month -100dkk/hour(after taxes)

Start from fifth month - 110 dkk /hour(after taxes)


2. Driving a minibus (driver's license category B).


Legalization assistance.

Language courses (after 8 month of work)


First 3 month work on polish contract, after successful work you will get Danish contract and help with all the documents and legalization.


1. provides a paid room in the house (two to three people in a room, several bedrooms in the apartments, a full set of household appliances, necessary utensils, bedding);

2. pays taxes;

3. salary once a month on the card. The level of salary depends on the workload, the average. On average 1500-3000 euros/month.

Tickets to Copenhagen and medical examination at your own expense also valid insurance in Denmark needed.


The manager distributes tasks depending on orders for the day+ Food delivery from the base to private clients and companies in Copenhagen and around the city;


Опубликовано: 20.04.2021
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