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Sales Representative in West Africa

Salary:45000 грн
On Amountwork from:April 2019
East West Trading Commodities

Job description

Описание вакансии

East West Trading Commodities Ltd — an investment and trading company focused on the development of trade-related projects in Eastern Europe and West Africa.

We open the vacancy «Sales Representative in West Africa».

Our perfect job seeker:

If you are a man 30−50 years old, you have experience in sales and you speak fluent English, you have big ambitions and sense of purpose, you have no problems with health and resistance to stress, you have a great desire to self-realize and gain invaluable experience in developing projects in one of the fastest growing and promising markets of the world — we will be glad to see you as part of our team.


  • Promotion of the company’s products and the development of long-term customer relations;
  • Customer search (processing incoming requests /calls, active search for clients, negotiations, conclusion of contracts);
  • Merchandising;
  • Organizing and conducting marketing activities (sampling, promotions, exhibitions, etc.).

Working conditions:

  • Work shifts: Lagos, Nigeria — 3 months, Ukraine — 1 month;
  • Accommodation in a private house, near the office;
  • Remuneration: fixed rate + bonuses;
  • The company pays for: visas, insurance, air tickets, travel expenses, meals.

Welcome to EWTC.

Important! Send us a cover letter why you are interested in this job.

Posted: 01.06.2019
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