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Back-End Web Developer (Python)
Salary:78000 грн. Доход зависит от часовой ставки и отработанных часов
Type:Агентство (Ukraine)
SoshaceJob description
- Are you looking for a remote work on international projects?
- Are you looking for 40 hours a week workload?
- Is it suitable for you to use time tracker at work?
- Is your hourly rate $20 — $25?
Soshace will provide you with remote work with hourly payment on modern projects lasting 3 months and more.
We expect you to work on our projects 8 hours a day Monday-Friday in your time zone.
- Do you have 1-year experience in commercial projects with Django?
- Do you have more than 3-year commercial experience in web development on projects with Python?
- Can you provide a portfolio of relevant projects?
- Do you have experience in building web applications architecture, experience with databases?
- Do you have good writing and speaking skills in English (Intermediate and above)?
If you answer «yes» to all questions, send us your CV and be ready to provide a portfolio of projects you took part in.
Steps of the candidate interview:
- Primary interview (a detailed discussion in English of your resume and portfolio)
- Online test (in English)
- Interview with a technical specialist
For more information please visit our site
Posted: 14.04.2019
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