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Yakovenko Kristina
Ищет работу в:Эстония, Болгария, Венгрия
Гражданство (паспорт, внж):Украина
Тип занятости:Удаленная


Kyiv International University - Bachelor’s degree with honors

University of Antwerp 

London school of Business and Finance

Diploma of professional retraining by Olga Berg

Опыт работы:

Private psychological practice offline and online for the past 5 years, one year of which under group supervision

Supervision of colleagues in the profession of psychologist-consultant from scratch to specialist level

Coaching in an international consulting company. Techniques and technologies for drawing up motivational programs and their application. Corporate coach with experience in India, Moldova, CIS countries

Дополнительная информация:

Experinced in complex cases, using: Adler's Individual Theory of Personality, Freud's Psychoanalysis, Existential Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Skinner's Operant Learning Theory, behaviorism and other methods of the integrative approach and schema therapy: working with the mode model

Creating own methodology for working with a client, clearly focusing on the client’s request, establishing rapport with him and monitoring progress and improvement of well-being with the help of homework and motivation. Psychological consultations for those who are going through a difficult period in life, for those who experience a strong sense of anxiety about the future and who need to find the strength to support themselves and others. Loss, loneliness and distrust of the world - the verbalization of these problems, their containment and transformation of the primary request into a therapeutic response

Сreating a successful course with colleague master of psychology - Yaroslav Samoilov on the topic “Emotions and how they affect us. 

Depression and anxiety” 

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Опубликовано: 07.12.2023
Резюме по специальностям
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