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Visual Merchandiser to Dubai (Zara, United Arab Emirates)

Зарплата:35000 грн. Salary + comission
Компанія:Dubai Holding Group
На Amountwork з:Квітня 2019
Контактна особа:
Dubai Holding Group

Опис вакансії

General Description:

Responsible for all areas of visual merchandising, including conceptualization, designing, lay-out planning and window display and implementing window and in-store displays


Expected Years of Experience

1−2 years' experience in a Retail sales environment

Expected Educational Qualification

Bachelor of Arts with fluency in spoken and written English and any other language

• Creative with an artistic flair and ability to work independently

• Ability to work in a team-oriented environment

• Zealous and enthusiastic personality

• Ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines

Work conditions: work in Zara Store as Sales representative

House Rent Allowance: Allowance provided by the company (included in Gross salary).

Transportation: Allowance provided by the company (included in Gross salary)

Commission: As per Company Policy (based on achieving target)

Medical Insurance: Provided by Company

Uniform: Provided by the Company

Over time: As per company rules

Working hours/days: 8 hours/Day, 6 Days a week

Period of Contract: 2 Years

Leave: 30 days/year

Joining Air Ticket: Provided by company

Return Air Ticket: Provided by Company (After Completion of 2 years)

Residential Permit: Provided by the company


  • Create and maintain an image which is synonymous with the brand
  • Handle proper utilization of POS materials, fixture and fittings and single handedly responsible for the safekeeping of all decoration, mannequins etc. or other company provided materials
  • Guide the customers' browsing through merchandise placement and store layout to result in increased customer traffic in the store
  • Responsible for the designing and conceptualization of seasonal displays by taking into account current industry trends
Опубліковано: 27.04.2019
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