Stock Trader
Опис вакансії
Ready to conquer the stock market? I’m looking for ambitious individuals ready to master the art of trading on NYSE/NASDAQ and turn volatility into profit.
I am a trader with 12 years of experience in financial markets, specializing in trading stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Previously, I worked at a proprietary trading firm in Ukraine, but due to the geopolitical situation, I decided to continue my career in Cyprus by opening a branch of the company here.
Throughout my career, I have consistently thrived in the markets, turning challenges into opportunities and also achieved earnings and accumulated capital that allowed me to establish my own proprietary trading company. The trading strategy I use is the intellectual property of the company and is continuously improved by our team of traders. It has proven its effectiveness through years of practice.
Every new recruit will undergo personal training with me. I will conduct daily reviews of your trades to help you achieve consistent results faster. The success of each trader is the foundation of the company's growth, which is why I am directly interested in your development.
It is difficult to estimate a trader's income in advance. Everything depends on how responsibly you approach the work, your ability to reflect, self-analyze, and make the right decisions in critical and stressful moments. Your earnings will reflect your skill, market conditions, and ability to seize opportunities during volatile periods
Trader income is unstable. Earning $10,000 a month might mean you made $1,000 one month and $19,000 the next, with $10,000 of that coming from a single day's trade. In trading, one good trade makes the day, one good day makes the month, and one good month makes the year. This is not about stable income.Trading isn’t for those seeking guaranteed monthly income – it’s for those ready to embrace risk and aim for exceptional rewards
The job will not take much time – typically 4-5 hours a day. It does not require physical labor but is emotionally demanding. Trading will test your emotional resilience and discipline, pushing you to master not only the markets but also yourself. This challenge is harder than it seems and not everyone succeeds.
The ability to consistently raise risk levels is crucial, as this reflects your progress. Making decisions while managing large capital positions will become a key part of your growth and responsibility.
A trader's income does not always correlate directly with the effort invested. The overall market situation plays a significant, if not the primary, role. Traders make the most money when volatility appears in the market (during crashes, crises, unexpected macroeconomic and geopolitical events). Conversely, during stable periods, finding profitable trades becomes significantly harder. Understanding this is essential for having a complete picture.
If you are ready to embrace the challenge, grow alongside a team of dedicated professionals, and take control of your financial future – let’s talk!
What We Offer:
- A proven and effective trading strategy.
- Company capital to manage – sufficient for executing any trades (no initial investment required).
- Access to U.S. stock markets (NYSE/NASDAQ).
- One of the top trading platforms, advanced charting tools, and instant access to market news.
- Daily analysis and review of your trades to accelerate learning.
- Bonuses for successful results and achieving high performance.
- Career growth opportunities – from trader to department head.
- A fully equipped and comfortable office in the center of Limassol, providing everything necessary for productive work.
Why This Position is Unique:
Such conditions are rarely found on the market. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to gain real experience in financial markets without personal investments and with minimal risks! At this stage, I plan to select only 5 candidates who have the potential to succeed in trading.
If you believe this opportunity is for you – stay tuned for more details on the position and requirements.
2. Position and Responsibilities
Job Title: Stock Trader (NYSE/NASDAQ)
- Active intraday trading of stocks on NYSE/NASDAQ.
- Market analysis and search for trading opportunities.
- Risk management and adherence to the company's trading strategy.
- Reporting and analyzing trading results at the end of the workday.
- Optimization of trading strategies and exploration of new ones with the support of a mentor and the team.
3. Candidate Requirements
- Analytical and mathematical mindset, with the ability to think logically and structurally.
- Quick decision-making skills and high level of discipline.
- Ability to analyze personal actions and draw conclusions (reflection and self-analysis).
- Patience and readiness to perform repetitive tasks at the computer while identifying patterns.
- High attention to detail and well-developed memory.
- Emotional maturity and ability to perform under stress.
- The ideal candidate age is 21-31, as younger individuals tend to have greater mental flexibility and learning ability.
- The path to becoming a successful trader is demanding, but with persistence and the right mindset, you will have the chance to build a career.
- Preferred qualifications: basic programming skills, knowledge of English, experience in poker or chess, and education in technical or mathematical fields.
4. Working Conditions
- Office work in Limassol.
- Competitive profit-sharing model – from 40% to 85% in your favor.
- No capital limitations – the ability to trade large volumes.
- Continuous support and personalized training from an experienced mentor.
6. How to Apply
- Send your resume to:
- Email: [email protected]
- WhatsApp: +380939446901
- Viber: +380939446901
- Telegram: @Max_kotsko
- Selected candidates will be invited for an interview.
- For additional questions, feel free to contact us via:
- WhatsApp: +380939446901
- Viber: +380939446901
- Telegram: Max_kotsko
- Австрія58
- Англія137
- Бельгія194
- Білорусь64
- Болгарія75
- Голандія242
- Греція20
- Данія55
- Естонія449
- Ізраїль268
- Ірландія10
- Іспанія56
- Італія67
- Канада46
- Катар40
- Китай20
- Кіпр35
- Латвія130
- Литва748
- Німеччина1573
- Норвегія60
- ОАЕ71
- Пд. Корея12
- Польща2940
- Португалія21
- Румунія54
- Словаччина328
- США226
- Туреччина65
- Угорщина218
- Україна1096
- Фінляндія126
- Франція85
- Хорватія59
- Чехія928
- Швейцарія49
- Швеція115
- Інші338
- Адмiнiстрацiя, керівництво середньої ланки209
- Будівництво1464
- Бухгалтерія, аудит14
- Викладач, вчитель, освіта33
- Виробництво1745
- Віддалена робота189
- Водій951
- Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм244
- Гувернантка38
- Дизайнер, творчість33
- Доглядальниця, компаньйонка105
- Домробітниця92
- Електрик233
- Журналістика7
- Зварювальник407
- Інженер, технолог99
- ІТ-сфера182
- Краса, фітнес, спорт103
- Культура, музика, шоу-бізнес48
- Кухар156
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR108
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика134
- Механік, слюсар212
- Монтажник, оператор364
- Моряки, Крюинг12
- Нерухомість32
- Няня, вихователь85
- Офіціант, бармен124
- Охорона, безпека22
- Перекладач26
- Покоївка163
- Програміст, розробник78
- Продажі, логістика325
- Рибне господарство21
- Робота для студентів233
- Робота на круїзному лайнері59
- Робочий2646
- Садівник27
- Сантехнік95
- Сезонна робота116
- Секретаріат, помічники, офіс42
- Сільське господарство177
- Сімейна пара239
- Страхування2
- Сфера послуг167
- Топ-менеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки24
- Фінанси, банк9
- Швачка80
- Юриспруденція4
- Інші967