Java developer
Опис вакансії
Java developer / On-site, hybrid, or remote (whole of Slovakia) / Only Regular employment (no B2B)
Totally 2 new projects, the Banking sector and Project Management System (PMS).
As a Senior Java Developer (m/f/d) you will work in a motivated team on new digital products and service platforms. You will work independently on the design, development and integration of Frontend and Backend components and will be significantly involved in the development of ideas, prototyping, conception and implementation.
What awaits you
- Responsibility for the analysis, consulting, and implementation of customer requirements regarding architecture, best practices, methods, standards, and concepts for the realization of software solutions within the system landscapes in the area of Java, C#, Python, or similar
- Support of complex IT transformations and projects
- Deepening acquired knowledge and actively contributing to our team, e.g. by exploring new topics and technologies
- Great creative freedom and realization of your own ideas
- Independent and autonomous conception and implementation of complex software solutions on the basis of current technology stacks and agile procedures
- Technical and professional support in the development of new product and solution ideas
- Ensuring the quality of our software solutions, e.g. through code reviews
- Developing new topics and technologies, deepening acquired knowledge and actively contributing to our team
- Responsibility for the continuous improvement of the development process in the team
What we expect from you
1) Project #1 – Banking sector:
Ideally Fullstack / otherwise Backend Java Developer
- Skills: Java11, Jenkins, SpringBoot, Spinnaker, GitHub, Docker, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, ELK Stack, Kafka, Kubernetes, Camunda, Artifactory, Rest, Cucumber, CDCT, CIB-Druck, Angular 15+, TypeScript.
- Experience with: Agile methods and tools (including Jira, Confluence).
- CI/CD Mastery: Jenkins, Docker, SonarQube, Groovy.
2) Project #2 - Product Management System PMS
Ideally Fullstack / otherwise Backend Java Developer
- Frontend: Angular 15+, TypeScript, CSS / SASS, HTML5
- Backend: Java, Spring Boot, Maven, Gradle, Kafka
- BPM: Camunda, BPMN
- CI/CD: Jenkins, Docker, SonarQube, Groovy
- Test: Selenium, Cypress, Postman, SoapUI, JUnit, Jest
- Operation: Dynatrace, Graylog, Kibana / Elasticsearch
Our proposal
- Take on challenging tasks in in-house development
- Develop your skills further through continuous training, conference participation, and internal knowledge exchange
- Enjoy a professional environment within a relaxed, friendly corporate culture
- Mobile working? Night owl or early bird? With us, you will find enough space for an optimal work-life balance
- Stay healthy – our company supports you with a fixed health budget for individual services
- HEALTH BENEFIT - EUR 400 per year for medical procedures (above-standard medical
examinations, dentist appointments, massages, glasses, psychotherapy, etc.)
- SICK LEAVE - 100% of paid sick leave for a total of 6 weeks in a calendar year
- Treatment of a family member – supplement to the sickness allowance from Social Insurance Agency
up to 100% of the salary for caring for a sick child during 10 days of inability to work per calendar
- SPORT – Multisport card
- Possibility to participate in sports events (for example: Bratislava Marathon)
- +5 DAYS OF BONUS HOLIDAY – when the legal claim of vacation days for the relevant year is used
- Meal allowance of EUR 4,50 paid in full by the employer
- DEVELOPMENT – the possibility of various external or internal training, language courses
- HARDWARE – possibility to use a company mobile phone and company laptop for private purposes
- Friendly atmosphere, team buildings and events within Slovakia and Germany, free drinks
WhatsApp, Telegram: +38 096 36 888 46
- Австрія58
- Англія140
- Бельгія193
- Білорусь70
- Болгарія73
- Голандія234
- Греція18
- Данія55
- Естонія449
- Ізраїль270
- Ірландія11
- Іспанія57
- Італія68
- Канада48
- Катар40
- Китай20
- Кіпр30
- Латвія130
- Литва735
- Німеччина1562
- Норвегія63
- ОАЕ69
- Пд. Корея12
- Польща2936
- Португалія21
- Румунія55
- Словаччина330
- США221
- Туреччина62
- Угорщина217
- Україна1092
- Фінляндія129
- Франція86
- Хорватія59
- Чехія923
- Швейцарія50
- Швеція114
- Інші337
- Адмiнiстрацiя, керівництво середньої ланки206
- Будівництво1448
- Бухгалтерія, аудит14
- Викладач, вчитель, освіта34
- Виробництво1752
- Віддалена робота188
- Водій937
- Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм243
- Гувернантка36
- Дизайнер, творчість30
- Доглядальниця, компаньйонка103
- Домробітниця99
- Електрик224
- Журналістика7
- Зварювальник406
- Інженер, технолог89
- ІТ-сфера183
- Краса, фітнес, спорт107
- Культура, музика, шоу-бізнес48
- Кухар152
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR105
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика133
- Механік, слюсар203
- Монтажник, оператор362
- Моряки, Крюинг9
- Нерухомість32
- Няня, вихователь87
- Офіціант, бармен125
- Охорона, безпека22
- Перекладач26
- Покоївка174
- Програміст, розробник79
- Продажі, логістика326
- Рибне господарство23
- Робота для студентів236
- Робота на круїзному лайнері59
- Робочий2660
- Садівник26
- Сантехнік94
- Сезонна робота116
- Секретаріат, помічники, офіс42
- Сільське господарство173
- Сімейна пара236
- Страхування2
- Сфера послуг174
- Топ-менеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки21
- Фінанси, банк8
- Швачка80
- Юриспруденція3
- Інші969