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Scientific Director-Biologist

Місцезнаходження:Словаччина, Братислава
Зарплата:from 1000Euro -1500 Euro
На Amountwork з:Квітня 2023
Контактна особа:
Karina HR

Опис вакансії

Ovogene invites Scientific Director-Biologist, to join the international company in Bratislava (Slovakia)

"Ovogene is an international company and the world's first artificial intelligence oocyte donor bank. We are an international bank of biomaterials. We can help more patients start a family and make their dreams come true. Our headquarters is located in Bratislava (Slovakia), and we are ready to serve you from our facilities in Tbilisi (Georgia), Lviv (Ukraine), Porto (Portugal), Chicago (USA), Tel Aviv (Israel), Tirana (Albania) and Limassol (Cyprus). Partner clinics, warehouses, and our professional staff are always ready to provide a range of services individually and with the highest quality. Our patients are always grateful for individual donor selection with the help of artificial intelligence.

We are constantly developing, our team is growing).

Our wishes for the candidate:

at least 1 year of experience in a similar position

knowledge of English not lower than Apper-Intermediate level;

a specialist in the field of biology;


What your tasks will include:

Ovogene egg bank Control and shipment of cryostorage.

Knowledge of egg storage facilities.

Please note that this is not an offer of work in a laboratory, but work in a warehouse in Bratislava.

We offer:

Stable salary, friendly and creative team.

Working hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch break - 1 hour (Monday through Friday);

Work in a stable international company;

Corporate English;

A team of professionals who love what they do and are constantly developing.


probationary period (1 month)-1000 Euro

after 1500 Euro + accommodation.

If you live in Bratislava, we are waiting for your response to this vacancy. We will review it and invite you for an interview. The first stage of the interview will be online. After that, you will meet with your manager in the office to discuss the next steps.

Опубліковано: 13.04.2023
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