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Місцезнаходження:Китай, Guangzhou
Зарплата:salary from 1500 USD + 10-35% from procedures, depending on type
Компанія:The Blondies
На Amountwork з:Листопада 2022
Контактна особа:
Daria Kulikova

Опис вакансії

Salon "The Blondies" has been successfully operating in the Chinese market (Shanghai) for more than 5 years, providing a full range of services in the beauty industry. We focus mainly on foreign clients who prefer to visit international specialists. In view of the successful business, we are opening a second salon in Guangzhou and are looking for the following specialists to work:

Cosmetologist with a medial degree (depending on experience, salary starts from 1500 USD + 10-35% from each procedure, depending on the type of procedure; with successful work, income can reach up to $10,000 / month)

We are looking for specialists with at least 1 year of experience and with knowledge of English (conversational level). Novice masters who are interested in working in China and developing in their field can also contact us to discuss the details. At the moment, there are no foreign beauty salons in Guangzhou City, but there are many foreigners who need these services.

We provide a work visa (official registration in the salon), flight compensation (the cost of the flight is then reimbursed to the company from income), accommodation (the first month is covered by the company).

For inquiries please send me a message through WhatSapp : +79163853870

Or email: dariakulikova34@outlook.com

Опубліковано: 17.12.2022
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