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Customer Care

Зарплата:More than 1000 euro per month
На Amountwork з:Квітня 2021
Контактна особа:
Оксана Китович

Опис вакансії

Our company is looking for candidates for the position of Customer  Care Representative.

Important: you must be fluent in one of these languages (Dutch or Italian or German).


Location: Greece

Type of work: Full-time (remote)

Pay rate: more than €1,000.00/month

Languages: Dutch or Italian or German.


Your responsibilities:

- Receive calls from clients

- Process customer inquiries

- Keep up-to-date with all information in the mail system

- Be communicative with customers

- make quick decisions

- provide the necessary support to customers

- Keep records of necessary tasks for more efficient results

- Respond to customer inquiries in a timely manner

- Ensure readiness to receive calls

- Work effectively as part of a team and maintain friendly relations with colleagues

- Provide feedback to supervisor

- Continuously evolve, learn at company trainings

- Comply with and enforce rules regarding confidentiality and security of personal and business data. 


Опубліковано: 18.04.2022
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