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Google technical support slovak language! Athens, Greece.

Місцезнаходження:Словаччина, Братислава
На Amountwork з:Січня 2022
Контактна особа:
Alexandr Jobs

Опис вакансії

Job offer in Google Athens, Greece.

We are hiring employees in Google technical support in Athens ofice in Greece. We need slovak native speaking employees with EU passport.

Technical Support for Google Play Store, Google Play Apps / in-app payments: startdate 20/1/22

Google (Play Market technical support) hires people with knowledge of the slovak language (native speaker level).

Relocation (moving) to Athens, Greece is required. Working in the Google technical support office.

Employer pays expenses for flight and hotel accommodation for the first two weeks. If you pass the

interview, Google takes over the costs of your relocation.

You must have a UE passport and birth certificate for your visa (Greece regulations).


1. Slovak at native speaker level.

2. English advanced level.

3. Good technical understanding of the principles of the Google Play Store, Google Play Apps / in-app


Salary 1200 € + bonuses. Official employment. Start of work 20/1/22

Send your CV to: [email protected]


Slovak language skills: C2

English skills: C1

Technical level: Advanced

Candidates needs EU passport, a birth certificate.

Relocation costs: yes


1. What you can buy through Playstore?

2. What would you do if an APP isn't loading?

3. How would you receive a Google Play Code and where could you use it?

Gross Salary 1200 € + Monthly Performance Bonus.

Schedule Monday - Friday 08.00 - 20.00

Send your CV to [email protected]

If you are interested in this job offer, reply to this email and I'll call you back for more details.

Best regards, Alexandr.

Опубліковано: 08.02.2022
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