Senior Site Reliability Engineer to Bulgaria (Poland)
Опис вакансії
Our client is one of the biggest online retailers worldwide with an annual revenue of £1 billion. Over the years we helped the client develop web-portals, mobile apps, delivery control systems, staff management tools, data storage and much more. The systems we’ve built together are in operation 24/7, contributing to the client’s success.
Site Reliability Engineering is a new role, first introduced by Google, that combines the skills of developers and ops to deliver more reliable, scalable software. The goal is to analyze a diverse set of applications (primarily built using Java, Oracle, AWS, Google Cloud services and a number of other technologies) and bind them into a reliable self-healing suite, working within defined reliability requirements. This requires proactive work to ensure observability, analyze potential bottlenecks and suggest their fixes before they become a production incident.
- Analyze and improve the availability, latency, performance, and efficiency of the applications
- Proactive support of production applications (both in-office and out of hours) across a range of domains, these are mainly written in Java and use Oracle databases.
- Improve the monitoring and alerting of the applications
- Capacity planning and provisioning
- Improve and standardize build pipelines, identify and reduce any areas of manual toil through automation.
- Consult in areas of reliability and scalability for the development of new applications.
- Work together with teams in other departments to find solutions
- Conduct periodic on-call duties
Required Skills and Experience:
- Expertise in designing, analyzing and troubleshooting large-scale distributed systems.
- Good understanding of cloud technologies
- Experience with algorithms, data structures, complexity analysis and software design.
- Good understanding of Java, hands-on experience in troubleshooting nontrivial problems like multithreading race conditions, memory leaks, cache issues, etc
- Good understanding of SQL, experience with query optimization and performance tuning
- Good understanding of high load systems development practices, reliability measuring, failover processes
- Understanding of microservices architecture, containers, orchestration frameworks
- Deep understanding of Unix/Linux systems administration
- Knowledge and understanding of network theory (MAC addresses, IP packets, DNS, OSI layers, and load balancing).
- Ability to get to the root cause of problems and facilitate this approach within the team
- Ability to conduct post mortems and learn from past failures.
- Driving a constant measurable system improvement process
- Good English communication and interpersonal skills
DataArt Offers:
• Professional Development:
— Experienced colleagues who are ready to share knowledge;
— The ability to switch projects, technology stacks, try yourself in different roles;
— More than 150 workplaces for advanced training;
— Study and practice of English: courses and communication with colleagues and clients from different countries;
— Support of speakers who make presentations at conferences and meetings of technology communities.
• The ability to focus on your work: a lack of bureaucracy and micromanagement, and convenient corporate services;
• Friendly atmosphere, concern for the comfort of specialists;
• Flexible schedule and the ability to work remotely;
• The ability to work in any of our development centers.
- Австрія57
- Англія141
- Бельгія200
- Білорусь65
- Болгарія76
- Голандія240
- Греція18
- Данія54
- Естонія449
- Ізраїль268
- Ірландія10
- Іспанія59
- Італія70
- Канада45
- Катар40
- Китай20
- Кіпр34
- Латвія130
- Литва752
- Німеччина1575
- Норвегія60
- ОАЕ68
- Пд. Корея12
- Польща2952
- Португалія21
- Румунія55
- Словаччина327
- США226
- Туреччина64
- Угорщина217
- Україна1099
- Фінляндія125
- Франція86
- Хорватія60
- Чехія931
- Швейцарія48
- Швеція115
- Інші337
- Адмiнiстрацiя, керівництво середньої ланки208
- Будівництво1472
- Бухгалтерія, аудит14
- Викладач, вчитель, освіта34
- Виробництво1752
- Віддалена робота190
- Водій964
- Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм245
- Гувернантка34
- Дизайнер, творчість34
- Доглядальниця, компаньйонка105
- Домробітниця89
- Електрик231
- Журналістика7
- Зварювальник409
- Інженер, технолог101
- ІТ-сфера183
- Краса, фітнес, спорт102
- Культура, музика, шоу-бізнес48
- Кухар154
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR108
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика135
- Механік, слюсар211
- Монтажник, оператор364
- Моряки, Крюинг9
- Нерухомість33
- Няня, вихователь87
- Офіціант, бармен122
- Охорона, безпека23
- Перекладач27
- Покоївка167
- Програміст, розробник78
- Продажі, логістика327
- Рибне господарство22
- Робота для студентів233
- Робота на круїзному лайнері60
- Робочий2642
- Садівник26
- Сантехнік93
- Сезонна робота120
- Секретаріат, помічники, офіс42
- Сільське господарство178
- Сімейна пара239
- Страхування2
- Сфера послуг167
- Топ-менеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки23
- Фінанси, банк9
- Швачка83
- Юриспруденція4
- Інші970