Документи в наявності:
Польская рабочая виза до 18.09.2024
Secondary specialized (PGHTC. Catering production, Cook)
Досвід роботи:
Experience - 5 years
(April 2023- August 2023) BoxCatering. Chef. Preparing buffets, roadshows, banquets, etc.
(January 2023-May 2023) Day&Night Restaurant. Chef. Assistance in opening the restaurant: menu development, staff selection, selection of equipment and utensils. Work as a chef of the establishment
(March 2021 - March 2023) FBO-Minsk Business Aviation Center. Deputy Head of Production.Work in the restaurant. Catering meals for business class flights
(October 2020 - February 2021) Charlie Restaurant. Cook of the hot shop
(September 2020 - December 2020) Restaurant Bar Dom. Cook of the hot shop
(September 2019 - October 2020) Dubrov Restaurant. Cook , junior so-chef ( brigadier ). Work in the kitchen of the restaurant. Cook universal
(August 2018 - August 2019) Cafe "Wave".Cook-universal.Work in the kitchen of the cafe.Before that worked about 2 years as a waiter in this institution
Додаткова інформація:
Kirill Alekseevich Kuzmin
Male, married, has a son, 23 years old, born on October 11, 1999.
facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035383457030&mibextid=LQQJ4d
[email protected] - preferred method of communication
Residence: Minsk
Citizenship: Belarus, ready to move, ready for business trips
Key skills:
Knowledge of languages: Russian, English
Qualities: Stress resistance, Responsibility, Punctuality, Endurance, Ability to get out of conflict situations, Quickness of action, Accuracy and cleanliness
About me:
Kirill Alekseevich Kuzmin
23 years old, born in Belarus (Polotsk), graduated from 11 classes, then entered the Polotsk State Chemical-Technological College on the specialty Cook.
The first job, connected with restaurant business, was a waiter in the local cafe "Wave", where after two and a half years of work moved to the kitchen.Work experience as a cook in this institution: August 2018-August 2019. The duties included working in the kitchen of the cafe both on the hot and cold shop.
After moving to Minsk, in September 2019, I got a job as a universal cook in the restaurant "Dubrov", a premium-class establishment located in Raubichi. Duties included working on two shops (preparation of both hot and cold dishes and desserts), performing preparations, giving large-scale banquets, as well as experience in the work on the distribution. Author's style of serving.
Later 2 years worked as deputy head of production (sous-chef) in the Center for Business and Aviation (FBO Minsk). Had experience of work on a business trip to Baku at the International Military Exhibition Adex 2022 (as part of the catering department).
Also restaurants where I worked: "DOM", "Charlie", "Foam Days". Often combined work without weekends in two establishments at once.
Later I took part in the opening of the restaurant "Day&Nigh", where I was a chef. At the moment I work in catering service, where I prepare buffet menu.
About myself I can confidently say that I am easily teachable stress-resistant, young, hardy, non-conflict, responsible, there is a great desire not to stand still and all the time to develop. I specialize in European cuisine, but I also know the features of other cuisines of the world
- Австрія249
- Англія858
- Бельгія322
- Білорусь22
- Болгарія50
- Голандія580
- Греція27
- Данія182
- Естонія340
- Ізраїль203
- Ірландія45
- Іспанія216
- Італія228
- Канада388
- Катар23
- Китай15
- Кіпр45
- Латвія193
- Литва544
- Німеччина2994
- Норвегія581
- ОАЕ87
- Пд. Корея42
- Польща1144
- Португалія31
- Румунія15
- Словаччина133
- США454
- Туреччина102
- Угорщина126
- Україна186
- Фінляндія428
- Франція175
- Хорватія42
- Чехія490
- Швейцарія308
- Швеція498
- Інші1212
- Адмiнiстрацiя, керівництво середньої ланки213
- Будівництво1049
- Бухгалтерія, аудит71
- Викладач, вчитель, освіта77
- Виробництво1257
- Віддалена робота119
- Водій1736
- Готельно-ресторанний бізнес, туризм449
- Гувернантка69
- Дизайнер, творчість98
- Доглядальниця, компаньйонка172
- Домробітниця198
- Електрик251
- Журналістика9
- Зварювальник260
- Інженер, технолог215
- ІТ-сфера118
- Краса, фітнес, спорт175
- Культура, музика, шоу-бізнес44
- Кухар287
- Маркетинг, реклама, PR68
- Медперсонал, фармацевтика166
- Механік, слюсар280
- Монтажник, оператор219
- Моряки, Крюинг45
- Нерухомість18
- Няня, вихователь153
- Офіціант, бармен139
- Охорона, безпека133
- Перекладач51
- Покоївка283
- Програміст, розробник26
- Продажі, логістика178
- Рибне господарство129
- Робота для студентів94
- Робота на круїзному лайнері63
- Робочий1094
- Садівник66
- Сантехнік136
- Сезонна робота264
- Секретаріат, помічники, офіс36
- Сільське господарство265
- Сімейна пара168
- Страхування0
- Сфера послуг146
- Топ-менеджмент, керівництво вищої ланки11
- Фінанси, банк17
- Швачка51
- Юриспруденція19
- Інші1159