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Trade manager/stewardess/office-worker

Toma Pashkevych
Шукає роботу в:Канада, British Columbia
Громадянство (паспорт, ВНЖ):Україна
Очікувана зарплата:3000$
Тип зайнятості:Повна
Toma Pashkevych


- 2011-2019 - Kyiv International University, diploma oif the Master's degree in specialty: specialist in international law, translator of English;

-2014-2019 - National Transport University, bachelor’s degree diploma in specialty: transport law;

Досвід роботи:

05.02.2018-05.12.2018- worked as a translator in the group of military-technical information of the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv;

05.12.2018-23.10.2019 - worked as a researcher at the Linguistic Research Department of the the Military;

-2014-2023- I have a cooperation with notaries on translation of legal documents; 

-2014-2023 cooperate with language courses on teaching English and German

2014-2023- give private lessons for students, both school-age and adults, to maintain a decent level of foreign language proficiency.

Додаткова інформація:

Autumn 2019- Received a certificate of proficiency in German after graduating from foreign language courses at the Institute of Foreign Languages and at the Embassy of Germany "Leichtungsnachweis" from 20.12.2018

Winter 2018- have a practice of translation 

At the “ Viche” journal at the Parliament of Ukraine

Summer 2016- have a practice at the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure at the legal department

-2018-2019 translated diplomatic correspondence, correspondence of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, studied English in international documents;

-2018-2019- was engaged in literary translation of the Institute's website, news of the Institute;

2018-2019 wass acquainted with the diplomatic protocol during the meeting of foreign delegations at the Military Institute;

-2011-2023 level of English proficiency: C1

-PC user, familiarizig myself with Microsoft Word, Excel, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Power Point

Personal qualities:

-decency, punctuality, patriotism, transparency, professionalism; 

-ability to work in a team for the result, organization; 

-diplomatic approach to resolving controversial issues.

E-Mail: [email protected]


Відправити повідомлення
Опубліковано: 22.02.2023
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